Category: Uncategorized


    I saw Joe on the tube today, I was impressed. My first thought was, we sure are blessed. His speech was impeccable, his diction divine. I caught myself thinking, “I wish they were mine” His eyes were wide open and so sparkling blue. Such strength of character, shining right through. His message was brief, he…

  • Amorality Reigns

    The left is satanic, amorality reigns. Bent on controlling easily influenced brains. We can’t find the truth, where untruths are told. We look on demoralized, as our future is sold. Silencing truth, while promoting lies. Is the demonic plan, how a society dies. Our government seems to not care in the least. Demonrats have accepted…

  • Amorality Reigns

    The left is satanic, amorality reigns. Bent on controlling easily influenced brains. We can’t find the truth, where untruths are told. We look on demoralized, as our future is sold. Silencing truth, while promoting lies. Is the demonis plan, how a society dies. Our government seems to not care in the least. Demonrats have accepted…

  • The Streets of L.A.

    As I was out walking the streets of Los Angeles. I spied an old white guy, in the gutter he lay. He saw me and feebly, he beckoned me over. He said he was freezing on such a fine day. I knelt beside him, touched his fevered forehead. Plainly I heard the rale in his…

  • Who’s Walking Now

    Hunter’s laptop is a road map, leading straight to Biden. Yet Joe’s Attorney General, helps Biden keep on hidin’. Let’s hope after the midterms, the piper will be paid. And justice will be served, not purposely delayed. The people want accountability, justice MUST BE SERVED. Joe must recieve the punishment he so obviously deserves. To…

  • Who’s Walking Now

    Hunter’s laptop is a road map, leading straight to Biden. Yet Joe’s Attorney General, helps Biden keep on hidin’. Let’s hope after the midterms, the piper will be paid. And justice will be served, not purposely delayed. The people want accountability, justice MUST BE SERVED. Joe must recieve the punishment he so obviously deserves. To…

  • Hunter Had A Gun

    Brandon’s got a twelve gauge, Hunter had a gun. Joe’s gun was for hunting, Hunter’s was for fun. Joe’s gun scares off bad guys, like his wayward son. Hunter’s wound up in the dumpster, was Hunter really spun? Joe’s gun was purchased legally, at least that’s what he said. Hunter obtained his pistol, by lying…

  • What A Good Deal

    As Chinese made pandemics, ravish our land. Our Godless future is now being planned. The green new deal is the only way ahead. If not, in nine years we’ll all gonna be dead. The oceans will rise, then start to boil. The cause of it all, our obsession with oil. We must print more money,…

  • A Woke Awakening

    A woke fool awakened, saw itself in the mirror. It was demoralized, at the way it appeared. Why was it, it had gone woke, it wanted to know. For it’s years of wokeness, it had nothing to show. It’s hair was an ungodly purple, it was tangled in knots. It was covered with scabs and…

  • Deep Fakery

    It’s an erosion of democracy, the demonrats whine. If they can’t win an election, democracy’s on the line. What a gaggle of idiots, hypocritical communist twits. The BS is neverending, their complaints never quit. They circle their clown cars, the boobs start to quack. They want compensation from the duck at A-Flac. If they’re not…