Category: Uncategorized

  • A Demonrat Tale

    There was a border crosser, her name was Anna Soo. She walked here from China, when she was only 2. When she arrived in Mexico, a human trafficker was paid. When he got her to the border, fortunes would be made. After crossing near El Paso, she was thrown into a cage. Joe Biden, our…

  • Satan’s Sheeple

    The left’s theory of gender, is the Left’s psuedo science. Used to brainwash our youth, and force our compliance. A woman is a woman, a man is always a man. It’s the way we are created, it is God’s only plan. Teaching anything different is the work of the devil. A big step down a…

  • Friends Like These

    It’s no easy matter, it can be really hard. To distinguish your enemies, from your pard The time is coming when you need to know. Which friends to keep and which to let go. Do you keep the friend, who’s insanely pro-choice. The one who is out to stifle your voice. Do you keep a…

  • This Moron Brandon

    What the hell are American citizens expected to do? While this moron Brandon is turning the screws Are we expected to watch our lives be destroyed. Does he expect our applause, I’m so overjoyed. Gas went up overnight, another twenty-five cents. His assault on our pocketbooks never relents. Does he care, no he doesn’t, he…

  • Baby Bye Bye

    Who hoards baby formula, wanting BABIES TO DIE. Who murders their babies then lies about why. You know it’s the left, because their conscience is gone. They have a morbid desire, TO SEE BABIES GONE. They need to have choices, to do what they do. They must control every narrative, they must control you. You…

  • The Way To Nowhere

    @THE WAY TO NOWHERE On my way to where I almost went. Every dollar I had was quickly spent. Spent on gasoline to power my car. Seems it used to go twice as far. Now here I am in nowhere, Utah. With Biden’s reset crammed down my craw. No people around, for sure no gas.…


    walking around in a self-induced daze. Succumbing to my inner rage. I saw how humans looked at me. I cared not what they might see. I could see no reason why. Some of these humans shouldn’t die. For my sanity, should I cry? Like a sleeping dog, should I let it lie? My actions soon…

  • CNN Breaking News

    Trump is still standing, the boobs are all gone. CNN has reshuffled, the fake news goes on. Chris Cuomo got fired for helping his bro. He stood up for Andrew, using his show. He violated standards that CNN never had. They acted shocked and faked being mad. Ignominiously booted, Chris’s feelers were hurt. No one…


    Idiots beckoning, catching our eyes. Wrongly reckoning, we buy into lies. Clowns and buffoons, reporting fake news. Terribly twisted, opinions and views. Stupidly thinking, we care what they say. We become racists, if we look away. Their daggers are ready, to stick in our backs. More fake news mongers, jacked up on crack. Don Lemon,…

  • Liar Liar, Pants on Fire

    He took the liberty of lying, he lied with great skill. A talent passed down to him in his Daddy’s will. He could lie with a straightface, he could lie with a grin. He was adept at turning the truth into spin. He could lie with a whisper, he could lie in a rant. He…