Category: Uncategorized

  • Visions of Hillary

    Her pantsuit fit snugly, like a sack for potatoes. Her perfume was annoying, freshly applied with a hose. Her hair looked so lovely, bieng heavily dyed. Her skin tone was exquisite, like Dracula’s bride. Her facial features looked taut, like a freshly made bed. All that old sagging skin pulled over her head. Her smile…


    There’s a breakdown of morality in the democrat community. Is it caused by Brandon the Uniter, the sower of disunity. There’s a democrat pogrom, in play against the cops. Defund them, attack them, until all law enforcement stops . Who’s pushing this insanity, what is their final goal. Do they seek to shut down society,…


    They know that we know and they’re terrified.We know the truth, it’s been verified.Knowing that we know, rocks them to the core.We’ve reached the limit and won’t take anymore. They’re building a wall, around the house of the people.The Wolf’s on the prowl and they are the sheeple.They stole an election and know that we…

  • The Night Joe Forgot

    The FBI came to my door, kicking it in. I was hate-mongering, such hateful spin. Factcheckers they claimed, checked my poems out. They said hate-filled lies is what I’m about. My poems were seditious, meant to incite. They asked if I wanted this kind of fight. I said I was sorry, they’re meant to entertain.…


    Echoes of echoes, resound in my head. memories of memories, from past lifes I’ve led. Who have I been, what have I done. Am I hiding from something, Am I on the run? Dreams of past dreams, keep me awake. Speaking of speaking, my silence I break. Spinning and falling, I lightly touch ground. Head…


    Stupity springs forth from compromised demonrat minds The Democrats liberal leaders, the racebaiting kind. They latch onto ignorance and refuse to let loose. Then smiling unknowingly they cook their own goose. The majority of Americans have functioning brains. They’re not chasing pipedreams or illgotten gains. They work for a living, staying off the government teat.…

  • The Crisis Dujour

    Look! Over there, to the west, a new crisis is coming. Time for goverment interference, more democrat bumbling. An excuse to seize ever more power, ever tighter control. To make unwanted changes, fulfill more commie goals. They can’t let a good crisis, wither and die on the vine. It must be thrust in our faces,…

  • Beating The Drum

    Mr. Mumbles is speaking, can someone translate. How can we be certain of America’s Joe ordained fate. He mumbles his way, straight through all his lies. When we ask him to clarify, it’s beneath him to reply. The only time his message is heard loud and clear. Is when he’s screaming, MAGA voters, shouldn’t be…


    Dead babies were piled, right outside their front door. Planned Parenthood, didn’t care what people thought anymore. They felt empowered, they knew the D-rats had their back. The last thing they worried about was a right-wing attack. The Supreme Court had ruled, their path forward was cleared. In the blue states anything goes, no matter…

  • Hero and the Jerk

    If Trump is always right and Joe Biden is always wrong. How can we ever expect them to play nice and just get along. If Trump tells the truth about Joe, and Joe lies about Trump. How can we not come to the conclusion, Brandon’s a chump. Joe takes Trump’s words and twists them around.…