Category: Uncategorized

  • Still Shouting Abortions

    Still whining about abortion and their right to kill. The purple haired idiots are headed for Hell. They must have the option to murder their babies. These people are ghouls, not real life ladies. It’s the wrong hill to die on, it’s not the good fight. Shouting abortions? they should shut their mouths tight. They…


    The left is prone to inveigling with outworn platitudes. Delivered unflinchingly through shapeshifting moods. Smoke and mirrors are deployed to muddy the water. They bludgeon the truth with giant truth-swatters. Your attention is wanted, your unwavering trust. Any protestations by you are ignoninously shushed. Your obedience is required, your unswerving attention. Disrupting their applecart, will…

  • The Collective

    The lies were bought into, the sale was made. The march of destruction, would not be delayed. When good people dither, the evil creeps in. If we kept our eyes open, we’d recognize spin. We must be diligent, we must be on our toes. We must be able to spot a communist pose. Our way…


    Is Brandon insane, I’d say that’s a definite yes. Are his brains addled, I’d say they’re a mess. Is he a comical figure, I’d say, for Sure. Is he a good speaker,hell no, he’s hard to endure. Is Brandon fighting to save America’s soul. I’d say that’s just the opposite of his real goal. Is…


    Rage against the machine used to be the Liberal’s cry. Now it’s kiss the machine’s ass and spread all it’s lies. They were anti-government, now they’re government goons. They lick the oppressers boot, and dance to it’s tune. For their freedom of speech, they’d march in the streets. Now they line up to suck on…


    He’s angry, he’s yelling, he slanders and smears. He’s an evil old fool, who mongers fake fears. He’s creepy, he’s ghostly, he’s out for blood. Everyone’s thinking, good grief, what a dud. His face is contorted, the spittle is flying. In millions of homes, scared babies are crying. He’s clueless, he’s lost it, he’s out…


    A MAGA republican cannot be trusted to think for himself. He must spread Joey’s bullshit, his freshly spewed filth. We’re the threat to society, says Americas biggest blemish. We were further divided by the time Joe was finished. Has he heard of hypocrisy, has he heard of the truth. He sounds like a nazi, an…

  • Where Would We Be

    Where would we be, without Joe Robinette, the Uniter. The King of America, the lickspittle, backbiter. The pawn of the devil, the propped up buffoon. The teleprompted idiot, the dried up old prune. He unites by dividing, he’s obviously cracked. A huge yellow stripe runs down his back. His thoughts may be his own, but…


    The end is coming, look over there. A herd of buffoons with bright purple hair. They’re all carrying signs that make no sense. They’re led by an ugly drag queen named Spence. He’s wearing a tutu, with sheer pantyhose. Looks like a doorknocker, hangs from his nose. He’s got a chicken, stapled to his face.…


    How do you think republicans, attack our democracy. How do you say that and not realize your hypocrisy. How do you speak with both feet in your mouth. How do you chase down a brain that’s gone south. Why do you never come in from left field. My blood is boiling, why has your blood…