Category: Uncategorized


    What kind of commie paradise, are we being sold. How many outright lies are we being told. How much corruption can we be forced to endure. Is there one democrat politician whose motives are pure. How can we trust a rat, who speaks with forked tongue. How can we avoid the webs they have spun.…


    They gave them burritos, saying, welcome to New York. Then feeling magnaminous, they gave them all sporks. What’s this someone asked, but could not be understood. No greeter spoke Spanish, you’d think that they should. Then as if they were pests, they were just shooed away. The city a sanctuary, I guess that’s just something…


    We need a strong military, not an inclusive joke. We need real men, not wannabe blokes. We need real men in uniform, not gay boys in dresses. We need a president to clean up Biden’s messes. We need secured borders, not an illegals invasion. We need real policies, not what suits the occasion. We need…


    The swamp critters are fishing, they’re trolling for Trump. There’s chum in the multiverse, we need a sump pump. To pump out the swamp scum, to get rid of the blight. Flush out creepy-crawlies, make everything right. Scum masquerading as demonrats, infesting D.C. They Leave slimy trails, that are so plain to see. They roll…


    Disdainfully smirking, making foolish remarks. No one has their ears on, nobody harks. Incoherently mumbling, scratching his a*s. Trying his best, to burst a big bubble of gas. Somebody snickers, someone guffaws. They’re not letting a word get crammed down their craws. He feels a tear, roll out of his eye. He wipes it off…


    Anyone who eats a carrot, eventually dies. Anyone becoming a democrat, eventually lies. Anyone with a brain, doesn’t believe in fake science. Or deny proven truths with ignorant defiance. Non-critical thinkers, mailed in votes for Joe Brandon. Alice was sent to the moon by her husband Ralph Cramdon. When you steal from Americans, it’s polite…


    His thoughts are magnanimous, his actions are shady. Some folks now refer to him as Joey O’grady. He has an unending fortune that he can waste. Where it’s all going, can’t ever be traced. He’s sent billions of dollars, to be lost in Ukraine. It’s not his money so he doesn’t feel restrained. He spends…


    I can’t afford to pay taxes, Joe, can I get some relief. Having to pay them every day, causes me grief. There’s taxes on gas, there’s a tax on my food. The drain on my funds, puts me in a bad mood. You hate to see people hurting, cause you really care. So relieve my…

  • THE V.S.A.

    Student Loan Forgiveness, I call the “Vote Securing Act” Buying votes with our tax money, and that’s a fact. It’s supposed to go through congress, but “what the hell” A flourish of Biden’s pen, works just as well. The “Inflation Reduction Act” worked so damn good. We can afford another 300 billion, if we just…


    Maybe someday, someone besides Trump will think of me. Someone who isn’t blind to what used to be. Someone who cares, who might shed a tear. For the Heaven on Earth we once had here. For the broken dream of Marxism, being forced on us. We’re expected to follow the demons, without a fuss. Maybe…