Category: Uncategorized


    I want my gas powered car, not some demonrat’s dream. I want our old world, not some new world scheme. I want lower prices, not slowly starving to death. I want to stop and smell flowers, not Brandon’s bad breath. It scorches everything, it withers the crops. A foul wind blowing west constantly and it…


    The border is utter chaos, the Biden-rats scurry. Telling Americans, there’s no need to worry. They think we’re stupid, they think we can’t see. They’re destroying our heritage, “The Land of the Free” The Border is wide open, the welcome mat’s out. Ignoring the danger is what Brandon’s about. Something will happen, we will be…


    Has Trump once more succeeded in roping some dopes. Did he put out just the right length of his rope. With a nice juicy tidbit to suck the fools in. Like magic, Brandon and Merrick, are caught up again. They’re caught in a quandary, with nothing to say. They always fall for the tricks, Trump…


    The Inflation Reduction Act, is signed into law. A bunch of democrat lies, crammed down our craw. My craws overloaded, I’m starting to choke. The D-rats won’t stop, they’re going for broke. 700 billion tax-dollars to fuel their pipedreams. They no longer care how totally stupid this seems. Another thousand page bill that no one…

  • Nothing To See Here

    NOTHING TO SEE HERE There’s no anti-trump bias, ain’t that a hoot.No Trump Derangement Syndrome, has taken root.No ones out to get Trump, the left loves him so.The FBI came for a friendly visit to Mar-A-Lago.They were only visiting to pat Trump on the back.Not to plant documents or maybe some crack.The Jan-6 investigation wasn’t…

  • The Christians Are Coming

    [I wrote this thinking of the left’s growing so called anti-religion and growing persecution of Christians. As I wrote it, it sounds exactly like a bizzaro world form of religion. Satan’s religion of lies therefore is easier to follow for billions of easily bribed fools. It’s much harder and demanding to be a good Christian]…


    The affidavit is sealed, it’s all for the good. Our reasons for lying, would be misunderstood. We need to protect ourselves from our own lies. It’s how we operate, it should be no surprise. We put plots into motion and when they backfire. We doubledown, like our pants are on fire. Who was the victim,…


    The liars keep lying, the whiners keep whining.Trump is more energized, his star is still rising.The attackers keep coming, loaded for bear.Trump is the bigger man, he doesn’t scare.Trump’s always right, the left’s always wrong.Brandon grows weaker, Trump’s growing strong.Trump’s base still loves him, Biden is mocked.If Joe heard this truth, he’d surely be shocked.Trump…


    Schiff dropped a bombshell, Schiff’s everywhere.How can we wash the schiff, out of our hair.He lies more than Lucifer, a bullschiffing machine.He’s making the rounds again, the MSM scene.He’s spreading the bullschiff, he’s hit the fan.It’s time he’s called out, he’s not a good man.How can his weakling’s shoulders, hold up his huge head.How can…

  • Leave Trump Alone

    Leave Trump alone, get the hell off his back. What’s with this obsession, you demented quacks. You’ve hounded this man, for seven long years. He’s always still standing, when the smoke clears. Yet here you fools are, coming at him again. When he clowns you this time, what will you do then. You’ll dream up…