Category: Uncategorized


    The idiots are whining, losing their grip.The Supreme Court just dissed their gun control trip.They’re pulling their hair, stomping their feets.Many resorting to hate-filled, angry tweets.It’s a middle finger to New Yorkers, Whoopi chimed in.Proving she’s lost her grip on reality again.The Supreme’s really suck, Molly Jung tweeted.This was picked up by fools who should…

  • The Scourge of Mankind

    Let the babies be murdered the demonrats cry.It’s the mother’s choice if they should die.The baby’s only dead tissue, although it’s alive.Could it be possible, it wants to survive.Why are the demonrats so eager to kill.Why do they celebrate, subverting God’s will.Why do they worship at the altar of death.Why murder their progeny, before it’s…


    Left to our own devices, we’d be much better off.I don’t want to drink at the left’s commie trough.Quit feeding me your pap, or your tasteless kool-aid.I don’t like the feeling that we’re being played.Your hands in our pockets is making us mad.Your plan for America is stupid and sad.You are a laughingstock, the world…


    Our fearless leader is scared once again.He’s afraid everyone can see through his spin.He’s scared, but he’s crafty, like a nasty old bird.One that’s digging for nuts in a dried up old turd.What he might find, we don’t want to know.A nut is a seed, from which evil could grow.His mind is full of, evil,…


    CONSERVATIVES “““““““““““ DEMOCRATS The right to bear arms —————-The right to confiscate arms The right to free speech ————– The right to stifle your voice the right to pursue happiness ——– The right to steal your joy Freedom of religion ——————- Freedom from religion To be secure in your homes ———– The right to kick…


    Stupid smart people, or is it, smart people dumb.If they’re democrats, it’s a great rule of thumb.Fauci is smart but he’s dumb as all hell.He lies to our faces, with absolutely no skill.His lies are transparent, supposed truth bombs.He claims, he is the science, he lies with aplomb.Telling us to believe him, he’s mad if…

  • Slipping Away

    Where have America’s morals gone.Straight down the drain, every one.Our higher power is slipping away.No consequences for sinning today.The devil is smiling, right in God’s face.The world’s becoming a more evil place.Everyone has an I-phone in hand.Filled with every evil, across the land.Pornagraphic perversions of every kind.Kids can whack-off until they go blind.Transgender creeps are…

  • Another Day in Paradise

    I opened my wallet and choked on the dust.I checked my bank account and sorely I cussed.I opened my cupboards, I saw they were bare.I went out on my porch, to my rocking chair.I rocked and I pondered, my blood pressure rose.I noticed a smell, from my bedraggled clothes.The flies noticed it too, they were…


    Your right to bear arms, shall be infringed upon.Your search for happiness, pretty much, lost and gone.Your life savings, disappearing, less and less every day.It’s all a big game, the left thinks we need to play.My car sits in the driveway, I can’t afford gas today.Why can’t Biden’s policies, disappear, just go away.Who let the…


    Virtue signaling cowards, aka, rino republican scum.Line up with democrats, to beat the gun control drum.They represent no one, who gave them their vote.Not up for reelection, hoping no one takes note.Two more years of Romney, is too many for me.The whole state of Utah and all of America agree.Here he is once again, going…