Category: Uncategorized


    We let our guard down, when Brandon appeared.After fifty-five years, the smoke has finally cleared.Here we are, shocked, at who’s president.The nation’s gullibility has set, a new precedent.Sad to say, we’re now stuck with “Out to lunch Joe”Just how far out to lunch can this damn idiot go.His ducks are kind of lined up, constantly…


    Cancel my culture, because my skin’s white?What about your skin, you’re up in the night.Your skin is pale, it’s whiter than mine.Like a damn hypocrit, you stand there and whine.You virtue signal, in your search for approval.You gain racial credits, espousing my removal.I’m proud of my skin, I’m proud of my race.It doesn’t make me…


    I didn’t watch it but I heard that it flopped.Like a dog with a bone, it will never be dropped.“The Day Democracy Almost Died” yeah right.The day dimmycrats, were up in the night.They know conspiracies, through and through.The riots are something, they’d set up and do.It’s their modus operandi, doing evil sht.Then blame it on…


    We’ve got the nonsense to fill your empty head.Democrat talking points, for the woke, walking dead.Wrapped up in pablum, any fool can believe.With unattainable promises, meant to decieve.We’ll pluck out your eyes and render you blind.We must make sure, the truth you can’t ever find.You’ll be “Joe’s Minions” spouting gobbledygook.Straight out of the Marxist, insane…


    The numbers are staggering, incompetence reigns.The numbskull Joe Biden is holding the reins.Four million illegals, have waltzed their way in.Biden ignores the problem and stupidly grins.The destruction of America is now in high gear.If this crap isn’t stopped, our future is clear.These fools think we’ll be happy with the great reset.Happy with nothing, America drowning…


    Guns aren’t created with minds of their own.They need help to be fired, my mind is blown.I never made the connection, boy what a fool.I feel like a clueless, stupid, democrat tool.Guns don’t have hands, they can’t pull a trigger.Was I brainwashed, or something much bigger.Is there an agenda that’s pushed by the left.Guns are…


    Gross improprieties, the mincing of words.Sucking up leftist pablum, spewing out turds.Fact-checkers checking, truth becomes lies.Trained seals applauding, common sense dies.Functioning brains, those daring to question.Are labeled as racists, without hesitation.Truth is subverted, lies become facts.Fake facts are then spread by TV demoquacks.Everyone watches amazed, not amused.Rightfully thinking, they’re being abused.Heads are left spinning, it…


    There’s not a woke democrat, that isn’t misled.Not one lick of sense in a democrats head.An honest democrat, can rarely be found.Lies are the platform on which they expound.There isn’t a promise a democrats kept.There isn’t a moral of which they’re not bereft.There isn’t a baby, they wouldn’t gladly abort.There isn’t a deadbeat, they wouldn’t…

  • Bring Back The Donald

    BRING BACK THE DONALD Guess what, Joe isn’t joking, Brandon likes to say.His grip on reality, will never lead him astray.His hold on the real world, has been tenuous at best.This flaw in his character, must be addressed.His mind is a shambles, a sucking black hole.His eyes have been covered with whole reams of wool.He…


    LUCIFER’S TROUGH Our success doesn’t matter, they despise self-suffiency.They want more democrats with mental deficiencies.Idiots willing to line up and do as they say.Fools taught to ignore God and to the government pray.Who like Biden, haven’t worked a day in their lifes.Women become husbands and men become wifes.We have public schools cultivating these mixed up…