Category: Uncategorized


    Who’s hoarding baby formula, wanting BABIES TO DIE.Who murders their babies and lies about why.You know it’s the left, because their conscience is gone.They have a morbid desire, TO SEE BABIES GONE.They need to have choices, to do what they do.They must control every narrative, they must control you.You must listen intently and do things…


    OUT TO LUNCH JOE About “Putin’s Price Hike”, what can I say.More disinformation that Brandon spreads every day.He mumbles and stumbles and opens his mouth.The truth like his mind, disappears to the south.His lies are atrocious, yet fools still believe.The idiots seem to line up, for Joe to deceive.I cannot blame Putin for the high…


    FACT CHECKERS ANONYMOUS Fact Checkers Anonymous, the source of democrat lies.Asking the wrong questions, getting manufactured replies.Biden, believes in facts over truth, he said it himself.He’s not mentally challenged, he’s the picture of health.This is one of his facts I’m not inclined to believeThe truth is quite obvious, my eyes don’t decieve.He’s self deluded, He…


    THE THING OF IT IS You must keep your mask on, you sad little people.You must do as I tell you, you pathetic sheeple.You must accede to my power, You must believe all my lies.You must wear your mask, when flying my skies.You must listen to those, who know better than you.Get it in your…


    MESSAGE What has become of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.Democrats give us abortion, marxism and the promise of crappiness.What has become of the shining city on the hill.There’s something rotten in Washington, a terrible smell.It’s not Biden’s basement, it’s much deeper than that.It’s a swamp full of scum and corrupt demon-rats.They tear at…

  • ILL-GOTTEN BRAINS What a blathering fool, I can’t say it enough.He makes reading a prompter, look oh so tough.Too tough for his squinted up colorless eyes.What we get from a tool, no big surprise.He translates nonsense, into gobbledygook.Yank him off the stage, get out the hook.It’s no longer funny, It’s straight up insane.What are they…


    THE SLOB’S GOT A GAVEL Nadler the weakling, can barely hold up his head.He’s so impressive, is something, no one has said.He looks like Humpty Dumpty without the eggshell.A big blob of blubber, heading for Hell.He sits on a bench, built specialy for him.Pounding his gavel, exercising his whim.I’m glad to see Jordan show him,…


    Who’s watching over us, who cares about me.It’s no one in Washington, that’s plain to see.My bank account is shrinking, less every day.Our fearless leaders try to explain it away.They blame Donald Trump, Although he’s gone.They blame Russia’s Putin as the war carries on.They never blame Biden, He hasn’t a worry in sight.He doesn’t worry…


    VACCINE ROULETTE The Left has a game, it’s called vaccine roulette.You get the shot, then you place your bet.Will you survive, or will you succomb.The only ones getting rich are heartless, leftist scum.You take the chance, they rake in the dough.Your odds are kept secret, you’ve no need to know.Myocarditis, is one of the risks…


    The die had been cast, the dice had been rolled.Biden banked millions, our country was sold.It’s being played out in front of our eyes.Behind smoke and mirrors and litanies of lies.His agenda is compromised, so is his soul.America’s leader is a Chinese, communist mole.His so-called dementia is the perfect disguise.The immaculate deception and all it…