Category: Uncategorized

  • Been There, Done That

    There was a time, or so everyone thought. When everyone was happy with what they’ve got. Here we are living in the promised land. Why is it some people can’t understand. You can’t be happy with your neighbor’s stuff. If you’re too lazy to work, that’s just tough. The “Life of Riley” isn’t something that’s…

  • Ranting Again

    The left whines about nothing, now the right does it too. There’s too many pundits, too many outrageous views. If patience is a virtue,we all seem to be lacking. We’re ducks facing off with nonsensical quacking. We raise raucus hubbubs, hearing only ourselves. Why can’t we get it together like good keebler elves. We are…

  • What Can Democrats Do

    Democrats can lie and still think they’re trusted. They can commit crimes and never get busted. If they do go to trial, they’re always acquitted. They’re quick with excuses, always invented. They can promise the world and fools believe. They can shed fake tears to look like they grieve. They can steal elections after saying…

  • We the People

    “We the People have something to say. “If you won’t represent us, GET OUT OF THE WAY” We sent you to Washington, TO REPRESENT US. Not to stick knives in our backs, throwing us under the bus. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING? Get it together. We didn’t elect you to change like the weather.…

  • We Must

    We must stop fear-mongering, pandering too. We must quit lying and try something new. We must primary candidates who don’t share our views. We must break the monopoly of the fake news. We must allow the free speech for which we yearn. The truth from the lies we must learn to discern. We must be…

  • Blind, Deaf and Dumb

    Their tracks were covered, or so they thought. When they were betrayed, by someone they’d bought. They never expected Jack to sell Twitter. They thought he’d hang in there, he wasn’t a quitter. But Elon persisted, he had plenty of cash. It didn’t matter how much he was trashed. He was on a crusade, a…

  • New Face Of Evil

    Their goals are hidden, their motives insane. They take after Brandon, no brain no pain. Their steps are measured, full out stampede. They’ll trample babies to get what they need. It’s never pretty, when they get together. They’re quick to weaponize a change in the weather. To prove a lie true, they commit any sin.…

  • Rino Serenade

    Let’s diss our constituents, with a Gop screwing. Let’s pass huge omnibus bills without any reviewing. Let’s give the demonrats anything they want. Then we all get together for tea and croissants. Let’s take pride in our rinohood and screw the people. We are the elites and they’re lowly sheeple. Let’s promise anything getting ourselves…

  • The Smell on the Hill

    His message distorted, his words cause great pain. They fall on our ears, like crap mixed with rain. He stumbles around shaking hands with the air. Our MSM giggles and titters, none of them care. The fool shadows children, he creeps up behind. We’re supposed to ignore it, act like we’re all blind. This is…

  • The Cabal

    There’s a man in Washington, a stupid son of a bi*ch. He works hand in hand with a haggard, used up old witch. Her name is Pelosi, he goes by “Out to Lunch Joe”. He lives in a basement, she lives underground in a hole. He reads a teleprompter, she knows how to scheme. They…