Category: Uncategorized

  • The TDS Bandwagon

    I don’t care what YE says, or his dinner with Donald. I don’t care if the menu was lobster or burgers from Ronald. I don’t care what Moot Romney says slandering Trump. He can take his damn pandering and stick it right up his rump. I certainly don’t care about Brandon’s two cents. Anything he…

  • No Trust

    My faith in government has been whittled away. Sad but true, it’s almost nonexistant today. Politicians have usurped the people, out for themselves. Our needs and wants have been put on the shelve. My vote means nothing in this web that they weave. They sent me two ballots, neither one I recieved. No matter how…

  • Message To The GOP

    Placating democrats is a stupid thing republicans do. Taking the high road, doesn’t lead anywhere new. Being nice gets you nowhere, bipartisanism’s a dream. I watch the GOP pandering and I want to scream. Making deals with democrats, blows up in their face. Making your opponents way easier, will not win the race. Get down…

  • Perverted Pedos

    Why do D-Rats accept perverts grooming young kids. Why don’t we do something beside flipping our lids. We say we’re angry, yet all the perversion gets worse. Can’t we save these kids put this crap in reverse. Are pedos destined to become an accepted gender. How fast can a frog, be poured through a blender.…

  • Biden Emboldened?

    Biden feels emboldened, a strange thing for a coward. He thinks he won something, so he feels empowered. he hasn’t won any mandate, he’s still the same fool. He’s a compromised flunky, a Chicom useful tool. He’s coming after semi-automatics, pistols and rifles. His agenda keeps changing, it’s time he just stifles. There isn’t a…

  • Ballad of Nancy

    Her facelifts were slipping, her breasts were now droopy. She dealt with incontinence, she often felt poopy. She kept her jug closer, She’d become quite the lush. Nothing phased Nancy, you could not make her blush. She was not out to pasture, she still had some moves. She controls juicy secrets that are cash on…

  • Biased Clown Shows

    Main Stream Media aka panels of clowns. Smiling for Biden, The Donald gets frowns. Nothing is real, it’s worse than just fake. It’s biased liars, and stupid comments they make. The view is the worst, harping from Hell. Something about Whoopi, doesn’t sit well. She’s frumpy, she’s froggy, ready to leap. She would if she…

  • Renewed Faith in Joe

    Renewed faith in Biden, means, democrats doubling-down dumb. America’s being destroyed, they’re helping by twiddling their thumbs. Thanks to the Main Stream Media, the democrat base is insane. It’s even harder to argue with idiots who all have compromised brains. You can’t convince fools to think different, it’s useless talking to rocks. Their minds are…

  • A Farewell to Pelosi

    Pelosi’s retiring, Oh glorius day. She can hop on her broomstick and fly far away. Fly back to Frisco, or fly back to Hell. They’re interchangeble, she should do well. Protecting her hubby, from his drunk paramours. Drive him to drinking and getting drunk more. She can chow down on ice cream 24-7. She can…

  • Liars Liars

    The left is lying again. I know. It’s hard to believe. That lifelong prevaricators, would want to deceive. They believe their own bulls*it, they’ve lowered the bar. Common sense around democrats, doesn’t get very far. The truth is twisted, distorted, mangled and spun. It’s verbal diarrhea aka the demonrat runs. Nothing can phase it, there…