Category: Uncategorized

  • This Is More Like It

    Ask the right question, Joe Biden warns. Or I’ll beat your butt, out behind the barn. His spittle is flying, his finger is poking. He say’s it’s no joke, so he’s not joking. Peter Doocy hangs in there, mike in Joe’s face. Till Biden yells angrily, “Get out of my space”. There’s no damn laptop,…

  • Hero or Zero

    American weapons, fall into Taliban hands. While safe in D.C., Joe Biden Grandstands. Afghani babies hang in barbwire barriers. Joe Biden babbles about unvaxxed covid carriers. Our Afghani allies are now hunted down. Biden praises the Taliban, our new friends in town. Abandoned Americans are hiding in fear. For 13 blown up marines, joe sheds…

  • Angel’s Wings

    Mangled and jangled, his nerves were on edge. Looking straight down, from a thousand foot ledge. He feared getting dizzy, falling out of the sky. Unless this was a dream, in which he could fly. He took a step forward, he quickly fell back. He found himself wishing, he was off of the crack. He…

  • I Will Not Be Controlled

    Stomped in the face by King Robinette’s boot. Suffering silently in sackcloth and sooth. Waiting in silence for his next stupid E.O. Knowing exactly where he wants us to go. My fate will not be entertwined with that of a fool. I will not subsist on government gruel. I will not succomb to a martinets…

  • She’s Talkin’ Bout Joe

    There’s nothing to see here, Jill Biden, misled. Joe’s non-functioning brain, doesn’t mean he’s brain dead. He can still think for himself, with no idea what he’s thinking. Joe’s a tee-totaler, so he hasn’t been drinking. He’s never done anything to cause a bump to his head. There’s no obvious reason no one recalls what…

  • A Double Edged Message

    Biden wants to help transgender kids achieve their God-given potential. The height of Joe’s pandering seems to grow ever more exponential. It’s time for this demented old fool to be impeached and canned. Then God can decide if he should be eternally damned. Joe knows nothing of morals, he needs a conscience for that. There’s…

  • The Raid

    The fed’s at my door, saying, they’re after my puns. They say Brandon claims, they’re much worse than guns. You’ve got to be kidding, I say with a grin. This is no joke, they say, barging in. Where’s your computer, they ask, looking around. Look on the desk, I say, where computers are found. Don’t…

  • Censor Me Joe

    The FBI came to my door and then kicked it in. Accusing me of inciting hate, once again. A fact checker, they said, had checked my poems out. They said I was lying, without a doubt. They said my poems were sedition, meant to incite. They asked if I write them when up in the…

  • Who Woulda Thunk

    If I don’t trust Joe Biden, am I a goverment denier. Would it make me a racist, to call Joe a liar. If he lies about everything, is that okay to say. Could I be disappeared, made to just go away. Is truth only accepted from those willing to lie. That don’t answer questions and…

  • Let The Counting Begin

    His voice sounded sibilant, like a snake in the grass. Especially when Joey was talking out of his ass. His message is vital, he knows it must be shared. He must be able to convince us how much he cares. Joe now has a mandate, The idiots have spoken. The American dream is now shattered…