Celebrate This?

I wasn't misgendered, what the heck is gender dysphoria.
I was blessed with good commonsense, a full cornucopia.
In the schools I attended, we were taught to be human.
Boys grow up to be MEN and girls grow up to be WOMEN.
There are only two sexes, there are only two genders.
 Your genes created your baby, you can't return to sender.
Isn't it obvious, you can't put a penis where it doesn't belong.
Wouldn't that put a huge hitch in how you get along.
What's the deal with big ugly men who want to be pretty.
It's a mental disorder, they'll never be blessed with a kitty.
They might cut pieces off, or shoot up women's hormones.
But there's no operation that cuts off their testosterone.
I'm not trying to be funny, although I'm a great punster.
It seems to me these dragqueens emulate Herman Munster.
If God has a sense of humor, I'm sure he's having a chuckle.
At the expense of perverts with huge tits no baby can suckle.
I can't take transgenders seriously, these people are sick.
Parading in front of children, is a perverted sick schtick.
It's not something they're born with, it's a mental disorder.
It would never be allowed in Tolkien's dark land of Morder.
They were hidden in closets, till they sashayed back out.
They are groomers of babies, I don't have any doubt.
They're sole agenda is transforming kids into perverts.
It's time these tranny wackjobs get their just deserts.
Chase them back in the closet, slam the damn doors.
Teaching children can't be entrusted, to Lucifer's whores.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/5/23
