Chinese Dominion

What's wrong with this picture, why sell our souls to Jinping.
It looks like Biden is compromised, doing that traitorous thing.
We have more oil than anyone, China controls precious metals.
Who will be controlling the world, when the dust finally settles.
When The lefts assinine policy, shutting down our fossil fuels.
Combined with stupid new deals, where China makes all the rules.
Jinping plays Joe for a moron, Biden is one willing greedy fool.
China takes over the world, we fight about groomers in school.
China's agenda is succeeding, the world soon will be their's.
Biden's agenda is insipid and stupid, battling Russian bears.
He whistles his way past graveyards, ones he's willing to fill.
Pandering to Satan, his master, being a communist shill.
The world is aligning against us, siding with the Chinese.
While Biden conquers America, bringing us all to our knees.
The Left steps up it's persecution of our ex-president Trump.
 Handing the world to China, obediently kissing Jinping's rump.
Trump is the man who can save us, take us off the highway to Hell.
The Left will have Americans bowing, choking down communist swill.
The world is 1 degree hotter, only useful idiots believe that.
The Chinese scuttled our economy with Fauci's communist bat.
Why worry about global warming on the verge of nuclear winter.
Why not listen to common sense, put forth by Chinese Dissenters.
The bravest folks in the world, openly defying certain death.
China destroys us from within, using Tik_Tok, Fentenyl and meth.
Let's stomp out inclusivity, the biggest pipedream in the world.
Before China gains world dominion and into Hell we are hurled.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/7/23
