Chuckie Please

Chuck U. Schumer is speaking, all hail his a*s.
He can speak at the same time he's passing gas.
We reflect on his words, scratching our heads.
One more demonrat fool getting way too much cred's.
His specs perched precariously on his ski nose.
Giving him a good view of his twinkle-toes.
He's a Washington fixture seems like forever.
One of those ties that needs to be severed.
He's had original thoughts but not of his own.
If he had a thought it was likely alone.
I don't mean to denigrate, but, how can I not.
He's a bane to America like a moving blood clot.
What say you Chuckie, have I pegged you right.
Can you dig what I'm saying, are you that bright.
Are you one of those casting aspersions around.
Whose motives and actions are often unsound.
Let it go Chuckie, you've never been relevant.
Thank God up above you'll never be president.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/30/23