Climate Change Idiots

I don't like local news weather, because of biased reporting.
 They use leftist talking points that are more than distorting.
It's weaponized weather, anything to push their agenda.
Global warming aka climate change, sugarcoated with splenda.
Fake news with fake weathermen,  a devil spawned plot.
My trust in those who used to be trusted is completely shot.
When one side controls the message, who can you trust.
When to push an agenda, the truth is openly shushed.
We must bow to climate change, we can't think on our own.
We can't look out the door, our eyes can't be trusted alone.
The left must spew propaganda, infused with fake facts.
Delivered by political activists and demoquack hacks.
Anything for climate change, including setting forest fires.
Claiming the climate change situation is growing more dire.
The Great Salt Lake was shrinking, because of a drought.
A drought in a desert state, what are they talking about.
They paid 100 million dollars, to stop the evaporation.
One of the best examples of tomfoolery in the whole nation.
What an ignorant idea, what a waste of taxpayer money.
I guess God beat them to it, and they don't think it's funny.
God sent record snowfall, nine hundred forty inches of snow.
He showed these fools like Moot Romney who's running the show.
So the lake is back to pre-drought levels, who woulda thought.
Not this crop of fear mongerers, in the think tank we've got.
Politicians are morons, that's a fact, both sides of the aisle.
It's their job to waste money, spreading BS is their style.
The west desert pump is still primed, for when the lake floods.
Methinks the climate change activists are smoking too many buds.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/25/23