D-Rat Useful Crisis

Another School shooting, another attack on our guns.
Another chance for the truth to be totally spun.
Another chance for Biden, to spew the left's talking points.
Another excuse for the MSM to get their jaws out of joint.
Another attack on our freedom, on the second amendment.
Another chance to seize onto a crisis getting totally bent.
They are so quick to pander to their anti-gun base.
So quick to attack and get right up in the Right's face.
No need to wait for the facts, that won't be in their favor.
They must quickly paint themselves as America's saviour.
They must monger the fear, see the truth is distorted.
They must get their story out there, though it's not supported.

Displaying faux outrage, ghoulishly the victims are used.
It's always the same reaction and the truth gets abused.
They don't mourn the victims, there's no time for that.
Scoring political points is where the d-rats are always at.
Quick to point fingers, quick to cast out their aspersions.
To seizing onto a horrible crisis the left has no aversion.

The shooter's transgender, so the right gets the blame.
For spreading hate and fascism, it's always the same.
They won't even mention he-it was a cold-blooded killer.
A sick twisted woman who thought she was a feller.
These perverts are special, Satan's favorite human toys.
Victims of leftist brainwashing one of Satan's evil ploys.
D.L. Crockett -- 3/29/23