Death of the Dream

The countries divided between folks either insane or crazy.
The morally challenged and the  shiftless and lazy.
Good folks are tired of leftist buffoons without souls.
Who sold out to Satan, now supporting his goals.
The Bozo in Washington is quick with his string of EOs.
Where does it all end, apparently nobody knows.
Our GOP house has rehired democrat dogs and ponies
We already knew the democrats are all phonies.
We want something done, scoring a few points doesn't do.
We need meaningful action, we need to start turning screws.
Our way of life and our security are still being destroyed.
With all the Left's witchhunts, damn straight, we're annoyed.
We have a biased DOJ enforced by their corrupt FBI.
And we have  Biden the Bozo telling lie after lie.
He thinks we're all stupid, too bad half of us are.
Half of us willingly climb into Bozo's clown car.
We're on the highway to nowhere in a clown car out of control.
The left has America headed into a bloodsucking blackhole.
The dishonest media everyday sinks to unbelievable lows.
We're chastised for despising men wearing tutus and hose.
America is daily declining in the eyes of our enemies.
 It's transgender morphodites Joe Biden wants to appease.
The American dream's been diverted, to a path of destruction.
School boards turn our history into willful misinstruction.
The pen is mightier than the sword, I sure hope it's true.
If my words are read by the folks will my message get through.
Not if our free speech is squelched, and lies reign supreme.
The recipe that foretells the death of the American Dream.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/8/23