Clueless as usual, Brandon bumbles along.
Stupidly singing the same old stupid song.
You can’t buy a cannon, since time immemorial.
A lie he’ll be spouting, till he shuffles off this mortal coil.
The reins of power, are in the hands of a fool.
He’s like an 8 year old moron, that dropped out of school.
He gets the lie in his head and can’t shake it loose.
Maybe he’s wrapped up in trying to goose his old moose.
Whatever his policies, they’re bringing us down.
They keep shoving him out there like an old, tired ass-clown.
Each day he looks older, and his memory gets worse.
He can’t read a message, even one he’s rehearsed.
His blunders are massive, his gaffes no longer funny.
He looks like an old, rundown, Energizer Bunny.
He should be put out to pasture, retired for good.
Sent home to his basement, in his old hood.
Yet he’s still smiling stupidly in our faces each day.
The whole country is wishing he’d just fade away.
His dwindling supporters, believe the fake news.
Hopped up on drugs or swacked up on booze.
The whole thing is surreal, Joe’s drug-induced dream.
Dissatisfaction with Joe is now surely mainstream.
D.L. Crockett — 6/1/22

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