Define This

How does one define a woman ? Let's ask a pervert.
Do women wear blouses? Do men still wear shirts?
Which sex wears dresses? I'm so confused.
I can see why real women are no longer amused.

What is a transgender, does It even know.
Is it some kind of human, stipped of It's soul.
Is It some kind of monster, a new frankenstein.
Wearing garish makeup, the most freakish kind.

Is there a difference between dragqueens and trannies.
They both seem to think they're great childrens nannies.
They're both mentally ill, perverted and sick.
With a sick, twisted gimmick, their immoral shtick.

What are democrat leaders, are they enablers.
Can they be defined as reality's disablers.
Are they folks with no morals or true unbelievers.
Are they all smoke and mirrors, accomplished deceivers.

What are GOP leaders, are they proud to be rinos.
Why do they let the left paint them as racist albinos.
At election time they always have something to say.
Once elected their memories just melt away.

What the Hell is a promise but a soon to be lie.
Don't ask any democrats, let their actions reply.
Nothing is sacred, they love brainwashed sheeple.
They won't come around any awakened people.

Isn't America supposed to be the land of the free.
Not the inclusive Hell wackjobs want it to be.
Who are these people, are they out of their minds.
Are they happy with justice that is no longer blind.

What's happened to truth and justice, the American way.
Who took our cherished heritage and threw it away.
Why smile in our faces and stick knives in our backs.
Why so many unfounded lies from political hacks.

Is this still America or some new Bizarro world.
Where the left wants a new commie flag unfurled.
Is this still the land of the free, the home of the brave.
Or endarkened idiots the left wants to enslave.

Is the blind leading the blind a good rule of thumb.
Is it wise to jump in the swamp to swim with the scum.
Is it the definition of insanity to give away your free will.
To destroy your own life to create your own Hell.

These are the questions any sane man would ponder.
Before destroying his life, tearing his world asunder.
What is the payoff, for this Hell they're creatin'.
Is it temporal treasures and kudos from Satan.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/9/23
