My Soliloquy – Q&A

Why do we need to protect ourselves, the government isn't out of control.
Why shouldn't they take our guns, isn't that part of selling our souls.
Doesn't it lighten our load to have nothing, Biden can take care of us all.
Can't we shake something loose in our thinking, banging our heads on the wall.
Why should our opinions be heard, when the truth is no longer respected.
Is there a vaccine against insanity, when our leaders are clearly infected.
What need will we have for cheap gas, if we're locked down in our house.
What is the purpose of marriage, if you can't ask the sex of your spouse.
Why not send our offspring to college, there's so much garbage to learn.
Why should we doubt our parenting, when a commie sycophant returns.
What's wrong with a wide open border, the price of drugs has come down.
Why should we worry about terrorists, illegals can rebuild blown up towns.
What's wrong with changing our pronouns, if we change our sex on a whim.
Why shouldn't we all be happy, when Biden says the futures not grim.
Shouldn't our thinking be backwards, if it's in Bizarro World we live.
Why cry about paying our fair share, when we still have a penny to give.
Why go on demanding our rights, if the left doesn't want us to live.
Why should we even ask questions, of an admin. as transparent as this.
Shouldn't we listen to Biden, when there could be a lie we might miss.
Isn't this a wonderful country, shouldn't we be thanking our lucky stars.
I'd go drown my sorrows in booze, if I could afford gas in my car.
Am I becoming a good communist citizen, as my will to object disappears.
What good does it do to speak out, if absolutely no one ever hears.
I guess I'll go rest my neck, and dream about the times of my youth.
I can stay home and tie one on, with an old half empty quart of vermouth.
This is the wonderful world we live in, thank goodness for democrats.
If the ship of state has been scuttled, should they flee like good demonrats.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/18/23