Depressing Presser

Hit with the wrong question, Joe lost his cool.
Anger management wasn't one of his tools.
He ranted, he raved, he yelled, he screamed.
His ears turned red, billowing steam.

Someone asked him about a recent mandate.
A simple question to which he couldn't relate.
Joe's go to reaction, was becoming enraged.
He threw a tantrum, his brain disengaged.

He stammered, he coughed, backhanding his nose.
Could he answer the question, nobody knows.
He was stamping his foot like an angry skunk.
Cussing like he'd been kicked in his junk.

 Screaming bloody murder, shaking his head.
His face had turned a deep scarlet red.
More enraged every second, he pounded his gavel.
It was obvious to all he would soon unravel.

He shook, he trembled, he lost all control.
Could this have been Peter Doocy;s goal.
His jaws were flapping, the spittle flew.
He could have infected the whole press crew.

A voice was heard, coming out of Joe's ear.
Jill screaming at Joe, get the hell out of here.
He quickly calmed down, turned and shuffled away.
Saying "No more questions, that's all for today"

A normal day in the pressroom, nothing learned.
Joe throwing a tantrum then meeting adjourned.
Brandon returned to his room, he took a long nap.
Some time later filling his diaper with crap.
D.L. Crockett ----- 1/17/22