Do You Recall

Can you remember, way back in November,
when Biden was still hidden away.
Can you recall, that day back in the fall?
That darkest of election days.
The day Trump was robbed.
By a senile old slob.
Who knew the vote counting would go his way.

Is it not a bummer, way back in the Summer.
We all heard Joe Biden state.
Do you recall, when Biden, admitted to all.
He had the best fraud organization to date.
Trump did not have a chance.
The theft was set up in advance.
Biden had cheated to carry the day.

The crooked deceivers, the wicked web weavers.
Guaranteed Biden would win.
Try to recall, while scratching your skull.
It was fraud dreamed up in sin.
They counted votes never cast.
While we looked on aghast.
And the MSM covered for them.

Twas the day democracy died, the truth was denied.
When Joe Biden cheated to win. 
Do you recall,  we all looked on appalled.
At the depths the left sunk to again.
In front of our eyes, 
Pulling off the biggest of lies.
The biggest fraud there has ever been.

It can't be overturned, is the big lesson we learned.
The left can never be trusted.
We should all recall, it’s not one vote for all.
It’s the crooks not getting busted.
Be they from dead men or ghosts.
It's who cheats the most.
The one who for power has lusted.
D.L. Crockett  2-3-2021