Don’t Want to Hear It

The price of water is soaring, not much cheaper than gas.
Gas again is four dollars a gallon, we're at an impasse.
Inflation is not slowing down, we're being gaslighted.
Biden's head is clear up his a*s, let's hope it's ignited.
A large bag of chips now costs over seven damn dollars.
No one trusts Joe Biden, no matter how much he hollers.
Prices aren't going down and our wages aren't rising.
That's fact not democrat fiction, or lies Joe's devising.
Things aren't getting better, the economy's turned to sh*t.
The demonrats tell us different and they're not going to quit.
The election is nearing of course they're going to lie.
It's another cursed altar on which they're willing to die.
The polls are all bogus, only a darn fool would believe.
Anyything coming out of Joe's cabinet is meant to deceive.
Job numbers are cockeyed, inflations still going up.
It's harder to buy food to feed my poor starving pups.
 No relief for the innocent, only democrat malfeasance.
When commonsense is cast off, held in abeyance.
The people are hurting, the left asks for hands full of tears.
The people are complaining, democrats don't want to hear.
They've got their agenda and by god they're sticking to it.
They don't give a rats a*s if not one soul lives through it.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/31/23