Don’t Worry Brandon

His words are carefully chosen, his lies well rehearsed.
he hasn't a care in the world, how his grift is dispersed.
In a bank account here and in several more overseas.
Maybe buried out back of his mansion deep under a tree.
Joe doesn't seem to be worried, he thinks its a joke.
 His back has been covered, his crimes have been cloaked.
He keeps proclaiming his innocense, a natural born liar.
It's time this piece of sh*t needs his feet held to the fire.

Barack put a bug in his ear and a hand up Joe's a*s.
Telling Joe to hold it all in, don't let anything pass.
Is Joe coming or going, I don't think Joe really knows.
He's naught but a fauning creep who knows how to pose.
It's likely the crime family's worried, including Barack.
They're all carrying sharp knives for each others backs.
Someones going to roll if they don't disappear first.
The people demand justice, we must be reimbursed.

Reimbursed for our trust, that's been shot all to Hell.
Reimbursed for electing a corrupt communist shill.
With his feet held to the fire, we might get the truth.
Not the camoflage thrown out by the broadcast booth.
We know Joe Biden is guilty, we know he's not alone.
He's too stupid to be a political gangster like Capone.
He might be out to lunch Joe, with lunchbuckets of cash.
With a myraid of bank accounts hiding illgotten stash.

What of his criminal cohorts, the Big Guy and the rest.
Do you think they might be worried, just a wee bit stressed.
Could Hunter be thinking of cutting a deal and rolling on Dad.
What of Barack if he's involved, is it driving him mad.
A fallout between bad guys, it's happened millions of times.
They suddenly turn on each other and start dropping dimes.
Who will be first to panic, the first one to jump ship.
Which one doesn't want to be sent up the river, on a 30 year trip.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/2/23