You hear women crying about reproductive rights.
It’s their cross to die on, their reason to fight.
No thought for the baby, no cares for them.
They will end that life, for the sake of a whim.
Don’t those babies, have a birthright of their own.
Once concieved a birthright to reach fully grown.
Some women are vain and don’t want to look fat.
To them, killing the baby takes care of that.
Or the baby interferes, with their right to party.
Their need to dress up looking sexy and tarty.
They attract irresponsible men, for sexual gratification.
Neither partner worried about future gestation.
No need to worry, go visit planned parenthood.
They convince women killing their baby is good.
A company promoting murder, a mass genocide.
Too bad the helpless baby has no safe place to hide.
It’s trapped in the womb of it’s cold-hearted mother.
It can’t claim it’s birthright, it can’t run for cover.
What about the baby’s security, it’s right to live.
Perhaps unlike it’s mother, it had so much to give.
The left teaches young women, matracide is an option.
It’s all about, murder that baby, don’t think of adoption.
The young mother is taught, it’s nothing but tissue.
If you want to kill it, no one has a right to take issue.
It’s your body, your choice, go see Doctor Death.
Go murder your progeny, stifle it’s first breath.
Then go out and celebrate, get high, get laid.
Drown any remorse for the bad decision you made.
D.L. Crockett — 7/7/22