Down Bound Train

The democrats hellbound train is sweeping cross the land.
Driven by a hot wind from Hell and screams of the damned.
It's headed your way, one step ahead of God's wrath.
Stay on the straight and narrow, get out of it's path.
It's picking up passengers, who have served Lucifer well.
You know when it's coming, there's a strong decaying smell.
Lost souls peer from it's windows, real tears in their eyes.
They made their choices, they bought into Lucifer's lies.
After it passes, friends and neighbors may be gone.
Realizing far too late, Satan had been putting them on.
Their promised salvation, they had willingly cast aside.
To follow the devil, preparing for this ungodly ride.
After the train hurtles past, you drop to your knees.
 Hearing the crys of the lost souls carried on the breeze.
You thank God for his grace and his love for you.
Renewing your covenant as the tran goes out of view.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/23/23