Education vs Programming

In our institutions of higher learning is where stupidity thrives.
Where tenured professors teach bullsh*t and worthless jive.
A place where a persons value is judged by his or her skin.
Where learning takes a back seat to partying and wallowing in sin.
Educations is a misnomer, tuition funds wasted with naught in return.
Kids are taught biased agendas, where no truth is discerned.
Communism has replaced capitalism, the pipedream of the hour.
It's all about recruiting idiots, who will never share in the power.
Colleges are creating losers, with heads full of socialist dogma.
Basement dwelling deadbeats will be returned to their mama's.
It's time the communist hippies are purged or better, retired.
It's time for professors with scruples, who are truly inspired.
If you want your progeny brainwashed, By all means send them off.
If you agree with the pablum they'll swill at the demonrat trough.
Are you okay with your children learning to hate their own race.
With them laying low in your basement, their go to safe space.
If not, teach them the values, they are going to need to survive.
Teach them about religion and morals, not this socialist jive.
Your children are yours and yours only, not wards of the state.
A government paid for education only returns empty plates.
It's a difficult task to deprogram, a brainwashed young mind.
A young mind that's been stolen, taught to go through life blind.
Parents do your due diligence, keep your kids near your side.
Teach them to be humble not full of soul stealing false pride.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/22/23