Excuses: a Dime a Dozen

Good names are besmirched, reputations are sullied.
When the Left is accused, it's gee whiz and good golly.
They wouldn't do that, it's not who they are.
They never stoop to slander, they don't sink so far.
A little friendly teasing, just having some fun.
They've never done the things it's claimed they've done.

When they're passing gas, it's passed off as a breeze.
One that suspicously smells like limburger cheese.
They don't fly off the handle, they have self-control.
They do nothing that compromises their shifty goals.
Conspiracies won't be found in their bailiwicks.
They don't use what they call conservative tricks.

The DOJ isn't weaponized, surely not by them.
They would never abuse their power on some silly whim.
They're not corruptocrats, they're the salt of the earth.
Their opinions are valued they have such self-worth.
They never blame others for what they have done.
They want our war-weapons, never our guns.

Their truths are all lies, it's not true they say.
We're from Bizarro world, it just seems that way.
Play what we say backwards and you'll hear the truth.
We may act uncouth, but we're actually quite couth.
Shove your false accusations right up your a*s.
Saying it that way shows we have class.

Only a fool has excuses for the lies of a fool.
A fool can also be described as a communist tool.
Backwards or forwards it's always the same.
Besmirching and sullying are part of their game.
Don't let their word salads, detract from the truth.
Their actions don't lie, they are always uncouth.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/30/23