
The entertainment value is gone, Biden is no longer funny.
I think the world has grown tired of our energized dummy.
It's gone from them laughing, to feeling pity for us.
 We're being run over, by a criminal communist bus.
They see our president has never been his own man.
His handlers plan to take down America as fast as they can.
Biden has been compromised, the proof has been found.
They can't understand why we keep this jacka*s around.
He sold us out to the Chinese, he's sold us out to ukraine.
He has bank accounts all over with his illgot criminal gains.
We should all feel foolish, yet like fools we still let it go on.
The coverup is now in progress, the left thinks it has won.
If it does not get reported, they've won half of the battle.
We're being led to the slaughter, like unaware cattle.
The Biden's are guilty of treason, the Donald is right.
Joe and his whole family are a damn demonrat blight.
They peddled Joe's influence, raking in millions of dollars.
Denying pertinent evidence the minute anyone hollers.
Then it's kill the messenger, don't cop to a damned thing.
Merrick Garland will protect us, that's if nobody sings.
So keep all your mouth's shut, and protect the "Big Guy''
We'll all walk away from this if we all tell the same lie.
Don't even think of squealing, you might just disappear.
Hunter, this goes especially for you, do you hear me clear.
I'm too old to be going to prison, so don't blow my cover.
Don't think of rolling on me, you'll be pushing up clover.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/16/23