Fair Elections

Merrick Garland's coming for Trump, packing the kitchen sink.
It's what happens when these idiots, get together to think.
You can't expect any justice, in Washington's kangaroo courts.
Not from Biden and Garland and their insane criminal cohorts.
The only thing Trump's guilty of is being ahead in the polls.
Of being a threat to democrat power and Joe Biden's goals.
The democrats stole the election, and they're at it again.
The election interference is obvious, how else can they win.
They must sideline the Donald, preferrably lock him away.
To that end they'll do anything, It's a dangerous game they play.
Who's destroying democracy, Merrick should look in the mirror.
 A TDS obsessed Biden sycophant is who he'll see appear.
Garland is ripe for impeachment, so is out to lunch Uncle Joe.
Let's get the ball rolling and see which way the wind blows.
The hounds of true justice are breathing down both of their necks.
They should both be cognizant, they're cruising towards wrecks.
The demonrat cabal must pay for all the damage they've done.
 Trump must be allowed to make an unfettered presidential run.
Without the constant harrassment, the roadblocks and above all.
The plotting and scheming, interference and unmitigated gall.
We need to have our image restored, the people's trust earned.
We need to rebuild the bridges this gang of fools burned.
Let's send the communists packing, screw their pipedream.
Let's break up their nightmare and let these fools scream.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/10/23