Follow the Money

if you backtrack Joe Biden's money to see where it's from.
It comes from Jinping, Zekinsky and other uncovered scum.
It comes from George Soros and and our enemies in Iran.
It comes from Joe Biden's buddies the terrorist Taliban.
It comes from Romania and most ikely from Kyrgistan.
It came from anyone seeking influence from our #2 man. 
If anyone knew it was happening, they didn't give a damn.
It came from Ukrainian oligarchs, and rich Russian widows.
It poured into Washington, it rained down like skittles.
It poured into bank accounts criminals keep overseas.
It was laundered in the Biden's countless LLCs.
It flowed from China to McConnell it feathered his nest.
It enriched Senator Moot Romney, who would have guessed.
Our enemies opened the spigots, they fed the left's thirst.
The crime family in the white house by far were the worst.
They believed they were covered, they paid people off.
Which is why the so called Big Guy, would openly scoff.
They must have giant balls, coupled with in our face gall.
With a belief they're all teflon, when the shit hits the wall.
They'll get their comeuppance, heads are likely to roll.
There ain't enough cash in the world to redeem their souls.
Yet their hypocrisy goes on, it doesn't know any bounds.
The corrupt MSM has only one story it continuously pounds.
Donald Trump is the scapegoat, the left wags him in our faces.
With the Donald out of it, they think it's off to the races.
The left's plots are unraveling, their house of cards crumbling.
The crooks in high places soon will find themselves tumbling.
There's a hot spot in Hell reserved for Joseph R. Biden.
He'll get there soon enough on the lightning bolt he's ridin'.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/7/23
