Forty Million Felons

Forty million new felons, at the stroke of Joe's pen.
Forty million fewer GOP voters, to help Biden win.
What an insidious scheme, a communist plot.
What won't democrats do to put us all on the spot.
An illegal step in pursuit of disarming Americans.
Of stripping freedom from our daughters and sons.
We have a constitution to protect us from this.
It's time for the communists to cease and desist.
Take Joey's damn pen, drag his head out of his a*s.
Give that pen back to congress it's their law to pass.
The ATF is another agency weaponized by the left.
America's gun grabbers, unconstitutional theft.
They're here to serve democrats, enforcing illegal EO's.
At the second ammendment they thumb their nose.
Another alphabet agency now being used against us.
To strip us of our rights or worse if we make a fuss.
Another outright power grab in a rush to sieze power.
Protecting the leftist elites in their ivory towers.
With gun registration they now know who is armed.
It follows, so do the Chinese, we should be alarmed.
Joe's EO's are destructive, every damned single one.
Meant to weaken America, until the marxists have won.
To top off this nightmare, Biden allows an invasion.
Started with another EO, surely with Chinese persuasion.
Joe Biden is compromised, openly selling us out.
Communist world dominion is what Joe's about.
How many communist sabotuers, have crossed our border.
Here to wreak havoc, for the left's new world order.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/30/23
