God’s Word

We don't need more diversity, we don't need more inclusion.
All this bullsh*t brings to the table, is growing confusion.
We don't need hundreds of genders, two genders is plenty.
If you don't like what you're born with, chop it off when you're 20.
Quit grooming children with the evil crap you call science.
Don't expect those of us born with brains to fall into compliance.
Only adult brainwashed idiots believe in gender fluidity.
You have to be a moron who's abandoned moral lucidity.

Every day the devil's agenda, is pushed in our schools.
By perverts and whackos and souless political ghouls.
Every time I turn on the TV there's a new clown on the stage.
Whining, crying fake tears, showing everyone their faux rage.
Is this the America dream, or some insane puppeteer's plan.
Cheered on by moral midgets, who think Satan's the man.
Satan kicks up his heels, celebrating the chaos he's wrought.
His minions wholeheartedly pushing the evil BS they bought.

Diversity equals Anarchy which means the death of society.
More pursuit of self gratification, inducing mass impropriety.
If these aren't the end days, then we're right on the verge.
God will not continue to allow the two genders to merge.
The Bible is full of examples of God exercising his wrath.
When we ignore his commandments and stray from his path.
The Heavens will open, fiery death will pour from the sky.
Will he leave a man and woman so mankind can survive?

It's all happened before and it will surely happen again.
God doesn't like seeing his creations living in sin.
God's plan leads to our salvation, Satan's plan equals doom.
Satan wants us to die when we die, not to rise from the tomb.
God's grace is still proffered, if we value life over death.
If we value our heritage as the true descendants of Seth.
If we honor our covenants, if we pay homage to God.
We must ignore temporal trinkets put forth by the Fraud.

The time to act is before us, time for righteous anger is now.
We must stand up to the Adversary by renewing our vows.
We must see the way forward, we must firm our resolve.
As true children of God we must continue and evolve.
Our conversions are ongoing, we must endure to the end.
God's promise to us is salvation, not words lost on the wind.
The persecutions of men and the Adversary must be endured.
God's plan is our divine destiny, God's Word is the Word.
D.l. Crockett -- 3/19/23
