They said stand up and shout, the fool stood up and screamed.
Where’s my fair share, of the promised American dream.
Where’s my pie in the sky, shouldn’t I get a big piece.
Where’s Jason the Argonaut with my share of the fleece.
Where’s my manna from Heaven, my street paved with gold.
What happened to the pipedream, I was long ago sold.
I demand my fair share, you can’t turn me away.
Nobody told me in school, I’d have to pay my own way.
Where’s my pursuit of happiness, my life of ease.
I demand it all now, and I’m not gonna say please.
Where’s my goverment handouts, my stimulus checks.
My pay for not working, And for my parents neglect.
Why won’t anyone listen, I demand to be heard.
I demand compensation for the pain I’ve endured.
Where’s my freedom from religion, my 15 minutes of fame.
My participation trophy for playing your games.
I demand social equity, where’s my fair share of that.
Where’s my safe space, I’m a persecuted demonrat.
I demand reparations, It’s not my fault I’m here.
I want my life subsidized, I’ve made it perfectly clear.
I’ll hold America hostage, until you all understand.
I swear I’ll kill myself, if you don’t meet my demands.
D.L. Crockett — 7/8/22