Hold Your Head High

With justice perverted, now protecting the crooks
With the Treasury openly cooking Joe Biden's books.
With the FBI running rampant, serving the devil.
With American's thinking, nothing's on the level.
With colleges cranking out mindless leftist bots.
With the covid vaccine causing serious blood clots.
With radicals promising to confiscate all our guns.
With Joe Biden spewing BS like he has the runs.
Are we expected to see evil and look the other way.
To be obedient idiots acquiesing to all they may say.
I beg to differ, kowtowing is not my modus-operandi.
I have this human need to always hold my head high.

With human sexuality, being perverted and mocked.
With treason being committed by Hillary and Strzok.
With the Biden's dodging the bullet for so many crimes.
With the democrat base worshiping American slime.
With the Mainstream Media, carrying water for fools.
With transgenderism transforming kids in our schools.
Why wouldn't American's think evil god's have returned.
Those bridges still stand that should have been burned.
What's wrong with righteous indignation if our cause is just.
If we feel God is exhorting American's to do what we must.

With laws passed, supporting Satan's new world order
With chaos, and an all out invasion on our open border.
With DA's pandering to crooks and crime out of control.
With the pipedream of communism, the democrats goal.
With truth swept under the rug, leftist lies in our faces.
With the president wanting unity while dividing the races.
Why should we listen to hypocrites or buy into the lies.
Why should we follow fools when commonsense is denied.
We should think for ourselves, and listen to our God.
And kick to the curb the minions of the master of fraud.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/22/23
