House of Cards

Why take care of ourselves, when the nanny state does it better.
Why not give in to the communists and let our free will be fettered.
Does Joe Biden seem harmless, like good old lunch bucket Joe.
Or is he propped up as a puppet, someone else running the show.
Joe Biden couldn't run anything, a front man taking the blame.
He think's he's someone important, in reality he's just a lame.
Incompetence isn't a fatherly trait, it's a trait that fits Biden well.
He mucks up whatever he touches, a frontman, Lucifer's shill.
He can't answer questions, unless he's being fed prepared scripts.
He looks like some kind of zombie that broke out of his crypt.
His approval rating is tumbling, his popularity's hit the skids.
People don't seem to like panderers, who support grooming kids.
The power of reason has left him, he can't tell right from wrong.
Joe's choir is sick of his singing, they're open to hearing new songs.
His go to reaction is anger, when posed questions he doesn't like.
If he had composure he loses it and runs away from the mike.
The MSM's job is covering for Joe, that means deceit and lies.
The smoke obscuring the truth, from half of American's open eyes.
The fools have seized control, installing their sick marxist dream.
The newest crop of communists, dregs of society, not the cream.
The rush to destruction intensifies, a nation pushed to it's doom.
By demonic creatures and demons, unwittingly freed of their tombs.
Evil policies meant to enslave, pushing American's right to the edge.
It's obvious Joe's oath of office was the furthest thing from a pledge.
He stood in our face and lied, reciting words meaning nothing to him.
The promise he made to America, is one much darker and grim.
A house of cards will collapse, especially one built by weak men.
We will have a firmer foundation, when The Donald's  elected again.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/3/23