Not one iota of the Russia Hoax has been proven untrue.
So say all the demonrats and the creeps on "The View"
So reports the mainstream media, so say's Joe Biden.
They all stick to the lie behind which they're all hidin'
It's all been shown to be lies, a plot hatched by the Hag.
Since she lost the election, the Hag's been on the rag.
It was her turn to be president, Trump stole her glory.
So she concocted and paid for the fake p-tape story.
The fake news comiserated, they Swallowed the hook.
 They dropped so many bombshells, the whole world shook.
The corrupt FBI and CIA, backed up the Hag's lies.
Fabricating so much evidence, the BS is piled sky high.
Now we have the Durham report, the proof of their coup.
Their talking points are the same, their lies are all true.
In the face of the truth, they doubledown on the lies.
It's the way of the unrepentent, we should not be surprised.
The Hag is guilty,  along with the whole stinking leftist crew.
Disparage the messenger and just lie your way through.
Donald Trump is the victim of the Left's evil plotting.
There's a big stink in washington, something is rotting.
It's the democrat party, and their blind thirst for power.
They've brought our republic to America's darkest hour.
Yet like nothing has happened, it's business as usual.
The Durham report is a lie, not worthy of our perusal.
Where are we headed, these traitors cannot walk away.
Their crime is called "TREASON" someone must pay.
Iran calls us "The Great Satan" did they peg us right?
We must stand up to the left's evil, it's our righteous fight.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/19/23 
