How Much More

How much damage have the demonrats done.
How many morons can there be under one sun.
How many useful idiots can one school graduate.
How long can we wait, before it's too late.
When will eyes and minds open and cast off the yoke.
See that being a dumba*s is the same thing as woke.
Realize they're not smelling roses, it's demonrat gas.
Created by too many leaders that talk out their a*s.
How many murdered babies, how much more shame,
 False accusations, aspersions and misplaced blame.
How much more racial division the left calls uniting.
Or chaos and disorder the left is forever inciting.
How many committees hiding behind smoke and mirrors.
Creating and mongering their ridiculous fears.
How can they see any honor in their litany of lies.
Or see the end of the world in sunny blue skies.
How much more of their BS are we expected to swallow.
How many more empty words that always ring hollow.
How many more puppets and posers, masters of spin.
How many bags of hot air flashing vacuous grins.
How many evil politicians seeking absolute power.
Who are too blind to see they are the fool of the hour.
How much more of their clown show can we possibly take.
Before giving their spineless foundation one mighty shake.
D.L. Crockett -- 1/22/23