Huge Piece of Offal

Joe Biden's not racist, no sirree Bob.
He's just a morally decrepit, dysfunctional snob.
One who speaks gibberish then foolishly grins.
I catch myself thinking, thank God he's not twins.
He runs his crime family with a compromised brain.
Can he remember where he stashed his illegal gains.
Can he be put on the witness stand, can he testify.
Does he know he's got problems, he should rectify.
I can't read his mind, that's an impossible task.
Joe's committed crimes, he should be unmasked.
The FBI doesn't investigate, so Joe gets a pass.
All the left wants to do is cover Joe Biden's ass.
It's a fine state of affairs, another damn crime.
The whole Biden family should be doing time.
He sold out his country, he sold out me and you.
We have all the evidence, he says it's not true.
He's not even hiding, it's all business as usual.
His MSM alcolytes can see nothing unusual.
He's a laughingstock, by association so are we.
Even though we're not part of his family tree.
It's a mockery of justice, we've all been abused.
Merrick Garland wants the whole thing snoozed..
Nothing to see here, just a huge, giant conspiracy.
Believing anyone on the left is certifiable deliracy.
 If no one is charged, our reputation will suffer.
The FBI  and DOJ will operate without any buffer.
The Biden's will walk, Joe will stay in our faces.
If we don't like it, we'll all be called racists.
The left will be happy with the crooks in control.
The world will see an America without any soul.
Thank you Joe Biden, you huge piece of offal.
Everything about you, is the epitome of awful.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/22/23