I Need to Know

Where's the compassion the left loves to extoll.
Why won't habitual liars ever shut their pieholes.
Why is the same song and dance go on forever.
When will the democrats leaders learn to endeavor.
What's with broken promises, is it a democrat thing.
What dysfunctional choir, wants to hear Joe Biden sing.
Who's living high on the hog in wellfeathered nests.
Who treats patriotic Americans as unwelcome guests.
Who enables sex-trafficking and abusing their kids.
What degenerate perverts do what God forbids.
Who murders their babies to make their lives easier.
Is it possible for Joe Biden to act any cheesier.
Why don't any democrats, think before speaking.
Why does it seem like the White House is tweaking.
Why do most criminals seem to be drawn to the left.
Is that why the democrat party is of morals bereft.
Who elects leaders who don't know how to lead.
Why is the left's modus operandi, power and greed.
What's more important than honestly doing their jobs.
Is it a requirement all politicians need to be frauds.
What's with the DOJ, does justice only go one way.
Are they working for us, or just for the Biden's today.
Is Joe Biden a simpering idiot who wants to king.
 Is someone's hand up his backside pulling his strings.
Are these the end times, or is this only a sick phase.
Are democrats a boon to society or a deadly malaise.
Does anyone have any answers, besides litany's of lies.
If anyone spoke the truth, I'd die of shock and surprise.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/7/23