I Will Not Be Controlled

Stomped in the face by King Robinette's boot.
Suffering silently in sackcloth and sooth.
Waiting in silence for his next stupid E.O.
Knowing exactly where he wants us to go.
My fate will not be entertwined with that of a fool.
I will not subsist on government gruel.
I will not succomb to a martinets puppet.
A weak pretender Satan's ungodly strumpet.
His mind is compromised, the weakest of vessels.
A spineless monstrosity, no backbone no sessile.
His words are not his, nor are his thoughts.
He's a clueless purveyor of Satan's evil plots.
He postures and poses, his muscles hang slack.
He's only aware when jacked up on crack.
There are fools who support him, is hard to believe.
Willingly caught in the webs Satan weaves.
I will not be commanded, I will not be controlled.
I will not cater to evil by selling my soul.
My wits remain with me, my path remains clear.
I know there's no truth in the lies that I hear.
I will not lose my way forward, I will not backslide.
They shall not define me, from my truth I won't hide.
I was created in my God's image, yet I'm my own man.
I made a covenant to my creator, I will follow his plan.
D.L. Crockett -- 11/25/22