Identity Matters

Is commonsense wasted on a communist twit?
What should you cling onto if you don't give a sh*t?
Can arguing with idiots help improve the world?
Can walking be difficult if your toes are curled.
If it's the end of the world do you want to get off.
Do you want a new law making it legal to scoff.
When someone says stupid, are they talking to you.
Do you always have trouble deciding what's true?
Do your kids make you happy, do they hate your guts?
After they're grown up do you still wipe their butts?
Do you eat your boogers when picking your nose.
Do you dress up in tutus and pink panty hose.
Do you love the feeling of power being part of a mob.
Do you think getting handouts is a government job.
Are you happy with Biden, do you hate Donald Trump.
Do you throw a tantrum when you get chumped?
Do you visit the woods to bark up the wrong trees?
Are you disagreeable, when you should agree.
Do you make up your mind at the drop of a hat.
Do you swell with pride to be a good demonrat.
Is your mind made up, before hearing the argument.
As you get older are your lies easier to invent.
If the blind lead the blind can you both follow and lead.
If you were talking to me are my eyes likely to bleed.
Does your espoused religion involve murdering babies.
Do you froth at the mouth like a demon with rabies.
Are you part of a crew with purple hair and nose rings.
Do you hang out in bars with, you know, those things.
If you answer yes to these questions, you know who you are.
You're a woke piece of crap that's gone way too far.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/13/23