The democrats have convinced me that I'm much better off. I must admit the kool-aid is tasty from the democrat trough. Their lies seem more believable, their pipedreams attainable. Paying off our national debt is a goal seeming obtainable. My cupboards only look empty the first day of the week. But when I get my next paycheck, I'm starving and weak. My utility bills, pshaw! amount to absolutely nothing at all. As long as I never adjust that thermostat on the damn wall. And air conditioning, who needs it, it cools off at night. I might as well climb into my oven and turn off the light. I can always go to the mountains and sit in the shade. If I could afford the gas to get there the trip's easily made. Yep! Everything's hunky-dory, it's the life of Riley for me. I'm actually happy with nothing, which I thought I'd never be. If I go along I'll get along, has been pounded into my head. If I don't, I could just disappear, or one day wake up dead. If I don't like it, I should sit down and keep my mouth shut. Sit down and be happy in my new paid for government hut. D.L. Crockett -- 12/12/23