Impeachment Blues

Will Joe Biden resign or will the wuss tough it out.
Does the fool even know what his impeachment's about.
I'm sure he remembers how he got his illgotten gains.
I'm sure theres a spark of awareness, in his senile brain.
Will he be allowed to testify in his decreased mental state.
Will the left tell him its time he accepts his deserved fate.
I'm sure Kamala is eager to accept her 15 minutes of fame.
Another demonrat mental midget, to bring America shame.
The first mixed race racist president, since Barrack Obama.
Our republic has been destined to suffer more trauma.
I'm sure theres republicans who will side with the d-rats.
Who have accepted Soros money, in a quest to be fat rats.
Biden Ain't going down, we all know he'll be walking away.
They'll party hearty in the White House for a week and a day.
I better load up on my popcorn, it might be entertaining.
Especially if Joe's put on the stand to do some explaining.
I don't think he'll come before congress, he'll just resign.
He won't self incriminate, he won't put his a*s on the line.
The demonrats in the house, will surely take up his cause.
That's when justice and sanity, will again be put on pause.
The evidence will be put forth, the MSM won't televise.
Demonrats will deny everything, calling it a litany of lies.
So much for Joe's impeachment, so much for justice for all.
Even though everything thrown at Joe stuck to the wall.
It will all come to nothing, we've elected too many crooks.
The politicians will make millions, by publishing books.
American citizens will be left wondering what it all meant.
A fake impeachment of Biden was that their real intent.
Demonrats plan everything out, the GOP goes with the flow.
Who's on what side, is getting harder and harder to know.
D.L. Crockett -- 9/13/23