
What's with independents, who would vote for Joe Biden.
Is there some moral failure, these people are hidin'.
I thought being Independent, you think for yourself.
Like being responsible looking after your health.
If the vote comes down to a choice between evil and good.
What's there to think about, is your head made of wood.
How could you vote for demonrats and their culture of death.
Because you think "Orange Man is Bad" or out of his depth.
Are you okay with abortion or the grooming of kids.
Or transgender bullsh*t, out to transform kids ids.
I know there's bad republicans and rino bad actors.
Democrats in disguise with obvious detracting factors.
Do your due diligence and primary these fools.
Vote for true conservatives, not communist tools.
I think independents, don't know their own minds.
They're one issue voters, usually wearing blinds.
To me there's only one choice, It's the party of life.
Not the party of Satan, glorifying, chaos and strife.
There are no good democrats elected to congress.
When they're in control, it's a house in distress.
If all independents actually thought before voting.
We'd have a pro-life govt. I think that's worth noting.
Independents are a third party, split down the middle.
It doesn't make any sense, it's just a one giant riddle.
D.L. Crockett -- 12/8/22