Injustice in Motion

The wheels keep turning, American injustice in motion.
Another indictment on Trump, what's all the commotion.
MSM with their second by second coverage, a bit overdone.
The whole outrageous debacle has been totally spun.
The breathless discussion, like a PGA golf tournament.
Much ado about nothing, Broadcasting their biased lament..
Don't think about Biden, Keeping Trump in the spotlight.
The City on the hill, seems to be shining less bright.
The shining light has turned red, for compromised whores.
In the White House evil incarnate is walking the floors.
The New Department of Biased Justice aka DOBJ.
Is handing out American justice the communist way.
Make sure the persecuted, can't get near a fair trial.
Get in fromt of MSM cameras, and lie through your smile.
The demonrat platform, has absolutely nothing to offer.
Besides their kangaroo courts, draining the tax coffers.
If there's anyone buying it, they don't have functioning brains.
They're turning Trump into a martyr for Biden's political gains.
It's called election interference, an attack on democracy.
What the left blames on the right in their blatant hypocrisy.
Their plot will surely backfire, blow up in their lying faces.
Maybe the scumbags will tumble from usurped high places.
Overreaching has a tendency to bring everything down.
Every poser and charlatan, every demonrat two-faced clown.
Demonrats overplay their cards building a tower of Babel.
Thinking they're gods, when they're scumbags and rabble.
Retribution is coming, be it from righteous humans or God.
They won't be allowed to go on perpetrating their fraud.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/4/23