I caught a glimpse of oblivion, looming ahead.
I felt a chill up my spine, a feeling of dread.
It stopped me in my tracks, shaking with fear.
Out of that roiling darkness, what might appear.
Lightning flashed out of it in every which way.
I dropped to my knees and started to pray.
I asked God for guidance, He raised me to my feet.
He sent me forward, straight into the heat.
Soon I was buffeted by scorching hot winds.
I heard wailing voices, some I thought were lost friends.
Hands would reach out for me, wanting me there.
Their corner of Hell, most willing to share.
I stiffened my back and girded my loins.
I Resisted the whispers, I would not conjoin.
Onward, press onward, I was telling myself.
I cannot let Evil, threaten my Spiritual health.
God was there with me, I felt his support.
I would not succomb to Evil’s cohorts.
My faith in my Saviour, saved me that day.
When the scourge of oblivion, drifted away.
This did not mean my battle was won.
God’s test of my faith, would surely go on.
D.L. Crockett — 5/24/22