It’s Bizarro

Nothing seems to be real in the world of Bizzaro.
It's populated with morons like Anna Navarro.
Ensconced in her ivory silo for the view from below.
Who refuse to believe how much they don't know.
Her time is spent lying, kicking back in the sun.
Cooking her brains until they're way overdone.
Then it's off to the set, to share her stupid views.
Claptrap the harpies mistakenly call the news.
Asinine ramblings from the mind of Navarro.
Opinions shared on the view should be embargoed.
Then there's the backwards man we all know.
Who thinks stealing an election is winning the show.
He thinks being smart is being dumber than dirt.
He's afraid of grown women, with toddlers he flirts.
He thinks he's so witty, for reals, not a joke.
He thinks spouting nonsense is being well spoke.
He thinks deep thinking is a lost train of thought.
He thinks he knows everything, when actually not.
Is he the man of the hour or the fool from the past.
For the job he's not doing he's been sorely miscast.
What of the party of Satan, who say they serve god.
Maybe they do if their god is the master of fraud.
They're still the same party, nothing has changed.
From their own evil past they're more than estranged.
The truth isn't considered, they much prefer lies.
They think it shows caring as fake tears pour from dry eyes.
It's all truly Bizarre, but that's who democrats really are.
They're headed for Hell in a hearse, we see a clown car.
D.L. Crockett -- 7/17/23