It’s High Time

We have an intel community that's busily gathering lies.
We have a piece of crap president, who's gathering flies.
He has an overpaid cabinet, that ain't worth two cents.
We have a republican senate, that sits on the fence.
We have a mainstream media, that no one believes.
They are destroying America, none of them grieve.
There are drugs in the White House, they're smoking crack.
With Trump we had honesty, now there's a huge lack.
We have the Mafia in big cities, now they're in D.C..
There is outright corruption that the whole world sees.
We have a Department of Justice, where laws are  ignored.
We can see its a communist society they push us towards.
Theres widespread voter fraud, they claim doesn't exist.
Theres a vast swath of Americans, getting really pissed.
Our Federal Bureau of Investigation no longer pursues crime.
They work for the democrats who are dropping fake dimes.
We have communist universities, churning out fools.
There are perverts and pedos, grooming in our schools.
We are obviously careening down the highway to Hell.
There are a third of Americans who think everything's swell.
Our president has his head up his a*s, and he's full of sh*t
The next in line Vice President, is an unsufferabe twit.
We now have a society that is teetering right on the verge.
 Leftists are waiting for the Anti-Christ to finally emerge.
It's a fine state of affairs we now find our republic is in.
It's high time we vote the fools out and start over again.
D.L. Crockett -- 8/21/23